- Summaries. At first it was quite difficult to perform well in writing summaries, because I hadn't much experience, but after I have written some, I think I become better at that. Even though I didn't avoid grammar mistakes, so I think it was the main reason why I didn't performe very well.
- ESP vocabulary tests. In my opinion I performed quuite bad in ESP vocabulary tests, because I didn't have enough time to prepare for the most of the tests , and it was really difficult to remember all the definitions after some time, when we have to write tests including words from more than one module.
- Self-designed tests. I think I performed well in self-designed tests, because it was quite easy for me creating questions as well as answering others' questions. Partly, it wes easy form ne, because I found it fun and interesting.
- Dictations. I think that I am not good at writing dictations, because for me it is quite difficult to hear all the words correctly especially those that I don't know the meaning of.
- Contributions to weblogs. In my opinion I performed good in filling weblog, because I have read my contributions several times not to leave any mistakes.
- Participation in class discussions. In my opinion, I didn't participate in class discussions as good as I could. Most of the cases I just didn't have ideas,and some of the times I did'n now how to express them so I didn't want to mess everything up.
- Presentation. I think I performed quite good in making prasentation, because the topic was very interesting to me so I could prepare better. Of course it is really stressful for me to talk to audience, so I have made some mistakes because of the stress.
- Speaking in pairs. I performed well while speaking in pairs, because I feel more confident when talking to one person than the whole group. Also, I think that I have improved my speaking skills if comparing this term to the previous one.
- Listening activities in class. I think I peformed satisfactorily in listening. It is difficult for me to understand some certain word when they are taped and said by foreigners , but usualyy I can understand the main idea of the speech, so I think I just need to have wider vocabulary and to listen to foreign speakers more often.
- Listening to podcasts. In my opinion, my performance in listening to podcasts was satisfactory. Again, it was difficult to inderstand some certain ideas, but the main idea of the speech was clear to me.
- Home reading. The most of the modules were quite long so I didn't have time to read them appropriately. I didn't focus on the text as much as I did last term.
- Class reading. It was easy to focus on the text when reading in the class, so it was much more appropriate than reading at home. So I think I done it quite good. Moreover, the thexts were much shorter than modules which we had to read at home, and more interesting, so it was enjoying and not very difficult.
- Reading comprehension exercises. In my opinion, my performance in this task was appropriate. It was quite difficult at first because I had to focus on the text very strongly, but after reading text several times, it became much more easy.
- Computer tasks. The most of the tasks had to be done at home so it was quite difficult for me, for the reason that I don't have a computer at home so I had to find time to go to library. But despite this fact I think I performed good in computer tasks.
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